On average, every 39 seconds, a hacker attempts to break into a computer with internet service.
On your phone, on your iPad, on your computer, the sharing possibilities seem almost endless.
But too much sharing can put you and your family at risk. It’s important to limit any identifying information you share: where you live, your place of work or your birthday.
But the oversharing doesn’t end there. While shopping online is convenient, never allow a website to store your credit card information; even your fitness tracker can be a liability.
One study showed if you wear it while entering your phone passcode or ATM pin, hackers can use that motion information to guess your code with more than 90% accuracy.
The more secure your account is, the safer you are. Set up difficult answers to your security questions and don’t make your password one-two-three-four-five-six-seven-eight.
The rules for a solid password are as follows: It should contain a random collection of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and at least one symbol. Make it eight characters or longer. Never keep any of your passwords or other information stored on your computer or phone. Your best bet is to write it out by hand and store it in a safe place.