

Today's Take: The NFL is still the "No Fun League" and Josh Norman knows it


The NFL is attempting to shed it's image as the no fun league this year by loosening up their celebration rules.  You vary well may see an entire group of players  do the Lambeau Leap after some touchdown here in Green Bay this year.  

Still, the lines are incredibly arbitrary and largely hypocritical.  Something Washington cornerback Josh Norman has called out this week.  The NFL will penalize Norman if he does his favorite celebration where he shoots an imaginary bow and arrow into the air.  It violates the leagues rule against any form of imaginary weaponry by a player.  That rule clearly doesn't extend to organizations. The Patriots fire off blanks out of the guns of minutemen, the Bucs fire a cannon from their pirate ship.  It's just the players that are unable to celebrate in this way.

If the league was committed to their no weapon stance they wouldn't alow the guns and cannons and they could make a morally backed argument.  Instead, it's another example of how owners and teams can pretty much do as they please while the work force can't.  I guess we've always known that though, after all, the name of Normans team is still the Redskins....  And that's today's take.