After a week of frustration, a woman is seeing results following her push to protect children on the Oneida Reservation.
Brenda Baird reached out to NBC26 with concern over a retention pond that did not have a fence, or any kind of barrier, keeping children from falling into the water.
The pond, located off County Road H on Beechtree Lane and Evergreen Drive, did not have a barrier for almost a month.
After pushing Oneida Reservation leaders for change, a temporary fence was installed Tuesday. Baird said she hopes this fence will keep children from getting hurt or drowning in the water.
"They weren't able to get a fence up as quickly as they wanted but they will put up a temporary fence up immediately," said Bobbi Webster, Oneida Tribe Public Relations Director as the temporary fence was constructed.
Baird pushed for the fence to go up before this weekend because of the Pow Wow and the Fourth of July.
The permanent fence will be installed July 5 and Oneida Police plan to increase patrols in the area.
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