An upcoming awareness walk is asking area men and women to "put themselves in the shoes" of a survivor of domestic abuse and sexual assault. This one mile tour of downtown Green Bay literally asks men to walk in women's shoes in an effort to raise awareness and funds for victim services.
The fourth annual Walk a Mile in Her Shoes - Green Bay is scheduled for October 15 at Hagemeister Park, with check-in beginning at 10 a.m. and the walk beginning at 11 a.m., and it's an event that participants won't soon forget. Male participants are encouraged to borrow a pair of man-sized high heels from event organizers, while women and children are encouraged to participate in the comfort of their own walking shoes.
Registration is now open at and all proceeds from the walk will directly benefit the Sexual Assault Center of Family Services and Golden House as they support victims of domestic violence and sexual assault in Brown County.
Area businesses, community organizations, churches and families are encouraged to form teams and compete, and individuals will also have a chance to compete and win. The team and the individual to raise the most pledges will each win a wing party for their friends courtesy of Hagemeister Park.
New this year is a costume contest designed to celebrate the everyday people who act as heroes for local victims. Participants who dress as their favorite hero could win a wing party at Hagemeister Park and kids could win passes to Shopko Sweet Street or the Children's Museum of Green Bay.
Pre-registration is $20 per walker or $15 for students online at Registration at the door is $25 per person. More information is also available by liking Walk a Mile in Her Shoes - Green Bay on Facebook or following @walkamilegb on Twitter.
Walk a Mile in Her Shoes - Green Bay was originally coordinated as a small group project of the Leadership Green Bay Class of 2013, a program of the Green Bay Area Chamber of Commerce.