The Boys & Girls Club of Greater Green Bay will host their annual Steak & Burger event benefiting local youth on Tuesday, October 25 from 5:30 – 8:30 p.m. This year’s event is Dr. Seuss themed.
During the event, adults dine on burgers and fries, while Club Members receive a special steak dinner. A special, and often times first ever, treat for our young guests.
Enjoy a fun evening, while meeting the promising young people who benefit from your generosity. Then after, watch a surprise Packers panel wow the crowd.
With more than 450 guests and a unique dining experience, there is fun for everyone.
Raffle prizes include Packers/Vikings tickets and Dinner with a Packers Alum.
This year, the club is raising money for the Youth Arts Initiative which is the high-quality arts programming which includes video, music, dance and graphic design.
Every year, the Boys & Girls Club of Greater Green Bay serves more than 3,000 children, while offering hope, opportunity and a chance to be something great!