Camp Lloyd is a day camp for children grieving the death of a loved one. It provides a safe environment where campers can explore their own experiences of grief, realize their feelings are normal and find support from each other.
As part of University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, Camp Lloyd provides an educational opportunity for undergraduate students to learn about grief in childhood through study and one-on-one mentoring and support to the Camp Lloyd campers.
Camp Lloyd will have many exciting summer activities.
-Arts and Crafts
-Gym Activities
-Activities specifically geared for the older campers
Camp Lloyd began as a dream of Dr. Illene Cupit, a professor of Human Development at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay. After learning about grief camps at a conference of the Association for Death Education and Counseling, she wanted to develop such a camp that would help grieving children in the Northeastern Wisconsin area.
Camp Lloyd was originally created in partnership with Unity Hospice of Green Bay and the University of Wisconsin Green Bay. Today, Camp Lloyd is solely under the auspices of UW-Green Bay.
In this camp, the children learn that grief is normal and that it is okay to still act like kids and have fun. This idea became a passion for Illene through the inspiration of Lloyd Noppe (a retired professor from UW-Green Bay). Dr. Lloyd Noppe lost his father at a very young age. Illene believes that had a camp like this existed for Lloyd he would have greatly benefitted from knowing that other children were dealing with similar situations and emotions.
For more information, click here.