Tracy and Peter Flucke, from WE BIKE joined us on Wisconsin Tonight to talk about engineering and its impact on biking.
When looking at improving conditions for traffic, including bicyclists, there are three main factors considered:
a. Engineering
b. Education
c. Enforcement
The main types of streets are: residential, collector and arterial
b. Residential streets are typically low speed, have less traffic and are narrower
When considering where to ride your bicycle the three main considerations are:
a. Speed
b. Traffic
c. Width
Low speed, less busy and wider roads are generally better for bicycling. These are typically our residential streets. However, even if a road is not perfect in all aspects, it can still be bikeable.
If you have a high speed, high volume road with narrow lanes, bad for bicycling, improving just one of the factors above can make it bikeable - for example, the addition of bicycle lanes will give the bicyclists somewhere to ride.
These local roads are currently less than ideal for bicyclists and pedestrians. However, they are all up for reconstruction in the near future.
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