

Wisconsin Olympic Athletes to Watch: Feb. 11

Hockey makes its Olympic debut
Wisconsin Olympic Athletes to Watch: Feb. 11
and last updated

Matt and Becca Hamilton--Mixed Doubles Curling.
--The mixed doubles pair is from McFarland, Wisconsin 

5:05 am
Mixed doubles curling round-robin tiebreaker (if necessary). 

Emery Lehman --Speed skating
--Attends Marquette University, Trained at Pettit Ice Center.

Wisconsin Athletes are looking to take home gold during the 2018 Winter Olympics in PyeongChang. Here are today's athletes taking the main stage:

--Features five athletes from Wisconsin: Meghan Duggan, Hilary Knight, Brianna Decker, Alex Rigsby and Amanda Kessel. 

 1:40 am 
US Women's Hockey vs Finland

Canadian Women's Hockey 
--Features five athletes that are all current or former Wisconsin Badgers: Emily Clark, Ann-Renee Desbiens, Meaghan Mikkelson, Sarah Nurse, and Blayre Turnbull, 

6:10 am 
Canadian Women's Hockey vs Olympic Athletes from Russia

Nita Englund --Ski Jumping
----From Florence Wisconsin. Moved to Steamboat Springs. 

5:00 am CT
Women's Individual Normal Hill Official Training. 

1:00 am CT live. Broadcast 2:00 pm CT on NBC.
Men's 5000 meter speed skate. 

Denise Myers-Coach of figure skater Bradie Tennell. 
--From Twin Lakes, Wisconsin.

4:00 pm CT live.  Broadcast on NBC at 7:00 pm CT. 
Figure Skating Ladies Free skate, Free Dance.