

Voters exploring content of candidate events


In the hard push for Wisconsin votes this week, candidates are expected to try and set themselves apart from their opponents.

Hillary Clinton will likely strengthen her base of supporters while attempting to attract would-be supporters of Bernie Sanders in the event she wins the Democratic nomination.

The same is likely to happen on the Republican side with Donald Trump appearing to be willing to take on anyone, with John Kasich and Ted Cruz remaining in the race.

Political expert David Helpap explains that this is a crucial time for candidates since the race is so tight, Wisconsin's primary election will have extra implications.

In past elections, a clear front runner is usually established by this point. However this year that doesn't seem to be the case.

Some issues candidates may touch on relevant to Wisconsin include the manufacturing industry, farming and as always the economy.

Younger voters at the University of Wisconsin- Green Bay are looking forward to hearing what Bernie Sanders has to say on education. They plan on attending his event tomorrow in Appleton.

Helpap said while many voters have already made up their minds, there is still potential for a lot to change in the race to the White House.