Pastor Manuelus Reacco takes a tough love approach to help men with troubled pasts turn their lives around.
He says, "Some guys don't have jobs. Their hopes and spirits are down. We bring them in. We encourage and lift them up. We give them like a week to find a job, and they find jobs within a week."
Pastor Reacco opened the Transformation House in downtown Green Bay four years ago. Since then, he's provided a warm place to stay for more than 400 men, many of whom were turned away from other shelters because of criminal backgrounds.
Robert Neely says, "I was one of the ones that came in with no money and alcohol on my breath, and Pastor told me, he said, 'Come back tomorrow and blow clean on this breathalyzer,' and that's what I did, and he let me in."
On May 26th, the Transformation House will hold a fundraiser at the Riverside Ballroom. Click on this linke for more information on the organization