ThedaCare at Home is currently recruiting pet therapists to help in its service areas.
Visits from the animals can help reduce feelings of depression and isolation, while lowering anxiety and encouraging communication.
The pet therapy volunteer program began in 2016 at ThedaCare at Home Hospice, and has since expanded to the cancer center, behavior health and alcohol and other drug abuse recovery services.
In 2017, pet therapy volunteers offered more than 315 hours of direct patient visits and another 298 hours of community visits in Waupaca, Shawano, and the Fox Cities.
Dogs are required to undergo behavioral evaluations and make three practice visits to nursing homes or hospitals. They must be current on all vaccinations, veterinary visits, and be well-groomed on visit days.
If you and your dog are interested in volunteering, contact Molly Johnson at 920-716-1890 or at