With the heat expected tomorrow, people should plan ahead for their activities on Saturday.
Sweltering heat is a chance to take to a pool or sprinkler to cool off, but that also means drinking extra water and looking after children and the elderly or anyone who can't always speak up for themselves.
The Aging and Disability Resource Center of Brown County encourages people to check on their neighbors, especially senior citizens or those without air conditioning.
Oftentimes, a problem that arises when it comes to staying cool is transportation. So if you know someone stuck in the heat or can't get around easily take the time to help arrange a ride to a cool place for them.
Children are also more susceptible to heat illnesses so be sure to look out for symptoms like dizziness, vomiting, a strong rapid pulse, or confusion.
There are lots of places to beat the heat when temperatures climb. Some locations you can go would be local malls or movie theaters, libraries, and local senior and community centers.