

Gov. Tony Evers grants 82 pardons, bringing total to 1,100+

Gov. Tony Evers announces $1 billion in funding to fight COVID-19 in Wisconsin

MADISON — Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers has granted another 82 pardons, bringing his total number of pardons granted to 1,111.

The Wisconsin Constitution grants the governor the power to pardon individuals convicted of a crime. The pardons, which were announced Wednesday, do not expunge court records. However, the official act of forgiveness will restore rights lost when convicted of a felony, including the right to serve on a jury, hold public office, and hold certain professional licenses.

“It continues to be a privilege to hear about individuals’ lives, work, and what they have done to overcome their past mistakes and build positive, rewarding lives for themselves and their families,” said Gov. Evers.

Individuals convicted of a felony in the state can apply for a pardon if they completed their sentence at least five years ago and have no pending criminal charges. Those currently required to register on the sex offender registry are ineligible. There is also an expedited review process for applications that meet stricter criteria, such as greater length of time elapsed since sentence completion and the nonviolent nature of the offenses.

You can find the pardon application, instructions, and frequently asked questions on the governor's website.