Marinette's representative in the State Assembly will not run for Congress. Rep. John Nygren (R) issued a news release announcing his decision.
"After taking a few weeks to consider my options and speak with my family, I have decided to not run to replace Congressman Reid Ribble. I took to heart Congressman Ribble's reasons for retiring, specifically when it came to his family. At a time when my son is in high school, a daughter is leaving for college, and my oldest is taking great steps in recovery, now is not the time to make the move to Washington."
Incumbent Reid Ribble announced his retirement from Congress last month. Others who may run for the seat include Sen. Frank Lasee (R) De Pere, Former Assembly member Penny Bernard Schaber, Outagamie County Executive Tom Nelson and state Democratic Chair Dottie Le Clair.
The primary takes place on April 5th with the general election taking place in November.