

Preparing the U.S.S. Detroit for commissioning

and last updated
It all starts with a few sheets of metal.
Those sheets of metal are then molded together in a process that takes more than two years to complete, resulting in a ship built for the U.S. Navy.
"It terms of lethality it's the term I'd like to use I would say this ship is well prepared to defend itself," said U.S. Navy Commanding Officer Michael Desmond.
At Fincantieri Marinette Marine, renamed after a buyout this spring, the U.S.S. Detroit is ready to set sail mid October.
"The littoral combat ship was envisioned to get really close to the shore operate at very high speeds low drafts and a focused mission manner," said director of business development, Sean Patton.
At the bridge of the ship there are two counsels that are much like an airplane, they mirror each other in case one goes down, the other can drive the ship."
"This is the fastest ship in the navy and this ship the U.S.S. Detroit will soon be the newest ship in the navy," said commanding officer Desmond.
The U.S.S. Detroit can run up to speeds of 40 miles an hour and although that ship is set to launch in mid October, exciting times are on the  horizon for this ship building community.
The U.S.S. Marinette is scheduled to set sail in 2021, bringing a strong sense of pride to the Marinette area.