

Wear Blue or Green for National Donate Life Month

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GREEN BAY - Friday, April 21 is recognized as 'Blue and Green Day' to show support for National Donate Life Month

People around the country will hold events and fundraisers to promote success of organ, eye and tissue transplanting.

Organizers also want to use the day to focus on the extreme need for registered donors. Every 10 mintues another person is added to the National Transplant waiting list. 8,000 people die every year in the United States because organs are not donated in time.

"It is a very important day because, of everybody that needs a life saving organ,” said Brandi Gwidt, Transplant Coordinator at Aurora Baycare Medical Center. “There are 118,000 people on the waiting list nationally, 2,200 in Wisconsin that need an organ. So this is a day to get people talking about what it is and how you can donate." 

Everyone is encouraged to wear green and blue on Friday. If you are not a donor yet, click HERE to register!

Staff at NBC26 will be taking part.