

Mobile Food Pantry Brings Holiday Cheer to...

OSHKOSH -- Poverty is sometimes a problem is Oshkosh. According to US Census data, 19.2% of the population in Oshkosh lives below the  national poverty level.
That's 6% higher than the state's average of 13%. So to ease the burden of buying food for the holidays Feeding America Eastern Wisconsin partnered up with Oshkosh Hunger Task Force to give away over 30,000 pounds of food.
This all happened over just two hours at the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh Kolf Sports Center. 
Hope Eikes who works at the Oshkosh Area Community Pantry, one of the partnering organizations, says its a quick turn around but many families benefit. "its a two hour span but it moves very quickly we give away about 35 thousand pounds of food  ... that's about 400 families "
Judy James volunteers at the Oshkosh Area Community Pantry and receives food to help ends meet. She says it helps to fill the gap between getting her food stamp benefits.
"as far as food it helps a lot the food that you get from the pantry can last you a week or maybe longer" 
This holiday mobile food pantry is in it's fifth year. Oshkosh Area Community Pantry operates year long. You can contact them for information on volunteering or to receive food if you are in need.