GREEN BAY (NBC 26) — There are several fun activities to enjoy around the northeast Wisconsin during the warmer months.
If you live in the Green Bay area, you don't have to travel far to get a completely different look at the downtown and riverfront area.
When you climb aboard the Foxy Paddler and take your seat, it might look like your everyday spin class at first, but passengers Amy Jo Tetzner and Alan Cayer say the Foxy Paddler Party Boat is much more fun and far less work.

"You get to peddle, you get to meet new people, you can enjoy beverages on the bike, but it's just a great way to enjoy two hours on the Fox," Cayer said.
"When you're sitting here, it makes you want to paddle as you're sitting here," Tetzner said.

"It's really neat to see downtown, especially at night. Some night time cruises are pretty cool in downtown Green Bay," said Foxy Paddler owner Will Libergen.
Liebergen said this is his third summer offering tours on the Fox River.

He says he loves giving people something new, whether they're from Green Bay or not.
"The boat of Green Bay is really special, because it gives people a new angle of the river. I mean everyone can drive down here and see the river flowing by, but until you get on it whether you have a boat or have a friend with a boat you can't really get on it and see it from this angle," Liebergen said.
Believe it or not, but when you peddle in your seat it actually helps the boat move forward in the water. Passengers say you don't have to, but it definitely helps add to the experience of being on a paddle boat.
"You don't have to peddle. You can if you want. The peddles move around on their own," Tetzner said.
"Oh, I think it's awesome. We got on the bike, and I knew the two people across from me, but I didn't know anybody else. Everyone is kind of introducing themselves and shaking hands, enjoying their day, talking about who they are and where they're from, and why they're out here today," Cayer said.
Captain Liebergen said each passenger is allowed up to 48 ounces of malt beverages per trip, and whether it's your first time or fifth, it's fun for everyone involved.