GREEN LAKE (NBC 26) — Many businesses took a hit at the height of the pandemic, and others thrived.
The Greenway House inkeepers say they've been able to attract new business after the pandemic because guests are looking for a cleaner experience than an everyday hotel.

NBC 26 Today's MacLeod Hageman had the chance to discoversome of the historic accommodations around Green Lake and met Candace and Paul Hindson from the Greenway House.
The inn sits across the street from the lake, features a number of comfortable rooms and offers a daily gourmet breakfast to guests.

The Hindsons have years of experience as innkeepers, and they say the difference between a bed and breakfast from a traditional hotel is really quite simple.
"The key is to give people what you want. It's pretty simple. Have the accommodations to where it's some place you would like to go," Greenway House Bed and Breakfast innkeeper, Candace Hindson said.
Hindson says times have really changed and they now stay busy throughout the year, but the summer time is when traffic really picks up.