A team of good Samaritans stepped up Wednesday morning to replace a stolen lemonade stand in Oconomowoc.
The Oconomowoc Police Department put out a notification via Facebook on Wednesday evening that a table from the lemonade stand, near Park St. and Concord Rd., had been taken.
Rick Pinsch said he saw the Facebook post and immediately wanted to help.
Pinsch found a family in Jefferson looking to offload an old lemonade stand, so he volunteered to pick it up and drop it off.
"It was about 40 minutes each way," he said.
Pinsch added he was happy to help.
"I have two little kids, and if something like this happened to them I would be pretty upset," he added.
On Wednesday morning, Pinsch dropped off the new lemonade stand at the spot where the old one went missing.
Lily Keepman, who runs the lemonade stand with her two next door neighbors, said she was excited to get back to business.
"It's fun in the summer, because you're outside with your friends, the weather is nice, and a lot of people stop by," Keepman said.
She added the new stand is an upgrade to the old one.
"The other one was just a table. This one has a big sign on it. It's really cool," Keepman said.
Adam Rhodee, the Father of Lily's two business partners, said his kids couldn't be there for Wednesday's big drop off because they're enrolled in summer school.
"When they come home they're going to be ecstatic," he said.
He said he's not surprised someone took the lemonade stand, because the kids left it relatively close to the curb.
"That's been the typical way to get rid of bikes and other little things around here that people don't need anymore," Rhodee said.
Rhodee said the kids are saving up their lemonade earnings for a trip to the water park.
"They're not squanderers. The kids are very frugal with their money," he joked.
Oconomowoc Police Chief Ron Buerger said he hopes the table wasn't intentionally stolen, and that it went missing as part of a mixup.
But he added the community's response is inspiring.
"I think the support of the community and everyone reaching out to each other over social media is excellent," Buerger said.