MARINETTE (NBC 26) — After nearly four decades in law enforcement, Marinette County Sheriff Jerry Sauve is retiring.
Sauve has been with the Marinette County Sheriff’s Office for 38 years; his most recent 12 years has been as sheriff.

"When I first hit the road here, we had an old Motorola radio you hit two switches and the green light came on, then the red light went on when you came to transmit, but you had to let it warm up,” Sauve said. “You stop a car and write a citation and it prints in the car, but that was unheard of years ago."
But that's not the technology that Sauve points to as his most memorable.
The evolution of DNA helped his department solve a 43-year-old cold case
"When I got the call and told that we finally had a DNA match on the 1976 double homicide that was unsolved for well over 40 years, I sat back and went 'Wow, we finally did it.’”
Marinette County Jail Administrator Bob Majewski described Sauve as hardworking and honest.
The two have worked together for 33 years.
"He was never that guy that was, 'I'm the sheriff and this is how it's going to be, basically you do what I say,’” Majewski said. “He's been a good guy to work with. It's been an honor for all the stuff we did together."
As for what's next for Sauve, he said he can't wait to spend more time with family.

"I'm 64 years old. I've got a bunch of grandkids now to spend more time with. I really look forward to being able to go up north and go fishing and not having to hurry back because I have to be at work the next day,” Sauve said.
Sauve's last day in office will be January 2.