Former Packers safety, LeRoy Butler helped a 12-year-old, in an attempt to break a Guinness World Record.
Butler helped Sydney paint a window on Thursday for the Windows for a Cause event.
The Windows for a Cause program is an annual event and fundraiser, taking old windows, giving them to community members who turn them into beautiful works of art that are later auctioned off. Any money raised at the Windows for a Cause auction will go to help grant additional wishes at Make-A-Wish Wisconsin.
Sydney was diagnosed with an astrocytoma tumor on her spinal cord. Her family endured difficult chemotherapy treatments and long hospital stays. Sydney now needs to wear a brace on one leg due to problems that developed which affects her ability to walk. She is very creative and loves painting.
Thursday, Sydney and LeRoy painted windows with an outer space theme.
Tundraland will be granting Sydney’s wish of going to Sea World and training beluga whales.
To break the world record, they need 1,500 windows painted by the community. And they need your help. Families, individuals, groups, businesses – all are invited to paint windows at the Fox Cities Exhibition Center from 10 6 p.m. on Saturday, August 18 and Sunday, August 19th. Windows for a Cause will cap off the two days of community painting with a fundraising event on August 21 at 5 p.m. at the Fox Cities Exhibition Center.