

Lawmakers differ sharply on Supreme Court decision

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The Supreme Court of the United States agreed to hear Wisconsin's redistricting case, Gill v. Whitford, ordering a stay of the current appeal to have Wisconsin's lawmakers redraw legislative maps by November 1.

GOP leaders were quick to respond to the decision. Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald and Assembly Speaker Robin Vos released the following joint statement in response to the ruling:

“We are encouraged by the decision by the Supreme Court to hear Wisconsin’s appeal of Gill v. Whitford and grant a stay of the lower court’s order. Wisconsin lawmakers have maintained that our state’s redistricting process and legislative maps are legal and constitutional, and we look forward to the Court’s final decision which we are confident will affirm our position.”

Democrats accused Republicans of using the districting process to disadvantage Democratic voters.

State Senator Dave Hansen (D), released this statement:

"Wisconsin Republicans rigged the electoral map so profoundly that two federal courts have ruled it unconstitutional saying the Republican effort “intended to burden the representational rights of Democratic impeding their ability to translate their votes into legislative seats.” Republicans can argue that rigging the maps is legal, but anyone who believes in a truly representative democracy knows it is not right.  Voters have a right to expect fair and competitive elections.  And the health of our system of government depends on it."