

Inflating your boating safety knowledge


As warmer weather brings more boaters back to our Wisconsin waters, that means a new season of safety has also begun.

The Coast Guard is also kicking off their "National Safe Boating Week" starting tomorrow, refreshing safety tips for beginners as well as the most experienced boaters.

The five top tips from the U.S. Coast Guard include:

1. Boat Sober. Boating under the influence of alcohol is just as dangerous, deadly, and illegal as drunk driving.

2. Make a float plan. Make sure to tell someone where you're going and when you are supposed to be back. You can easily get a plan started using the Coast Guard app, or

3. Wear a life jacket. By law it is required that children under 12 wear one at all times and that a boat has a jacket on board for every person. The Coast Guard encourages all people wear a life jacket any time they are on a boat or near the water.

4. Good communication. The Coast Guard says cell phones are unreliable on the water as once it gets wet, it is useless. A better option is a VHF-FM radio with Digital Selective Calling.

5. Have your vessel checked. The U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary and the U.S. Power Squadron offer vessel safety checks. It's the best way to learn of problems that might put your boat at risk of being in violation of state or federal laws.'

The Coast Guard also recommends taking a boating safety course before getting out on the water. By equipping yourself with as much boating knowledge as possible, you ensure both your boat and your own sea legs are seaworthy.

Check out boating safety courses near you by clicking here.