

Green Bay officials meet to discuss beer can ban

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A meeting to discuss whether or not Green Bay should ban the sale of single cans of beer and small bottles of alcohol took place on December 12. 

Proponents of the proposal say banning access to cheap, single serve alcohol would help cut back on alcohol related issues, such as littering and panhandling.

The idea was first proposed by Alderman Guy Zima in April 2016. 

Zima says he brought forth the proposal after seeing issues in older neighborhoods regarding public drunkenness and violence.

Zima told NBC26 he wants it to be harder for alcoholics to buy cheap liquor. 

However, not everyone is on board with Zima's proposal. 

Police Chief Andrew Smith has told the protection and welfare committee he feels his officers can reduce these alcohol related problems through stronger law enforcement. 

Before Zima's proposal is considered, Chief Smith will reveal to the council the results of a six month effort by the Green Bay Police Department to reduce alcohol related issues.