Candidates for governor are hitting the road and traveling the state after winning Tuesday’s primary election.
Both made a stop in the Green Bay area on Wednesday. Democratic candidate Tony Evers taking on Governor Scott Walker in the general election. The two have less than 3 months to win the hearts and minds of Wisconsin voters.
Wisconsin State Superintendent Tony Evers was nominated over 7 other Democrats. He says he wants to see decisions made so economic development money can be regionally distributed rather than at the state level.
Governor Walker is running for his third term and says there are more career opportunities in Wisconsin than there are unemployed people, and he wants to keep this going. The two candidates have butted heads in the past, but both are thinking about keeping the future of Wisconsin growing.
"I want our children, our sons and daughters, our nieces and nephews, our grandsons and granddaughters to be able to grow up, graduate from school, and find a meaningful career that keeps them close to home here in the state of Wisconsin,” Gov. Scott Walker said during a speech. “that's our idea of the American dream. I want that for every family in this state and to do that we've got to keep Wisconsin working for generations to come.”
"We also plan to make sure schools are strong. If we don't have schools, strong schools, we're not going to have a strong work force,” Tony Evers said. “And people aren't going to want to come to our state and expand our economy. We have to look at economic development money a little different than we have in the past. We shouldn't be doing Hail Mary passes in certain parts of the state and not helping out other parts of the state."
The general election is on November 6th.