

Drunkorexia is a disturbing college campus trend

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Drunkorexia is the name of a disturbing binge drinking trend sweeping college campuses. A person will skip meals, workout extra hard, take laxatives or vomit before heavily drinking. Students say they are doing it in order to get drunk faster or avoid gaining weight. 

It's a non-medical term that walks the line between an alcohol problem and an eating disorder. Researchers say up to one third of college students do it. 

Students said Drunkorexia is common in order to get drunk cheaper and faster. One student even said most people don't drink casually, they drink to get black out drunk. 

As many as 80% of heavy college drinkers are found to be either starving themselves, restricting calories or over exercising. One of the big concerns with Drunkorexia is that people can become vitamin-deficient, especially in Thiamine, and that can lead to nerve and brain damage.