Sunday's Packers loss against the Atlanta Falcons was a devastating loss for Packers fans.
"I knew it was going to be a hard game, I didn't realize it was going to be this hard of a game," said Dustin Wagner of Green Bay.
"They just got out played, everything that could have went wrong, went wrong," explained Julie Emenecker of Oshkosh.
Still even after a shut out first half, Packers fans held onto hope.
"There was multiple times during the game where I felt like we talked and we were like alright it isn't that bad it isn't as bad as people are perceiving it to be," said Alex Hardy of West Bend.
Eventually that hope declined as Cheesehead nation braced for the inevitable.
"I don't know they just quit it's ridiculous," said Amie Fruzen of Green Bay.
Despite the frustrating end to the rollercoaster season, fans say they'll forever bleed green and gold.
"We got nothing to be ashamed of four and six earlier this year, NFC Championship game now who would have thunk it," said Scot Sticha of Green Bay.
"Really you've got to be proud we got to be proud of the Pack I mean we had a really great season, we won eight games in a row," said Wagner.
Fans keeping a positive attitude despite a sad end to a season they hoped would end in a Super Bowl run.