Parents like Charles William are thinking about their own children after watching the boys trapped in a cave in Thailand.
"What if I have to go through something like that? It's not a question you ever want to ask yourself, but it something you have to be prepared for,” said Charles William.
Connie Skarvan owns The Aqua Center, a scuba diving shop in Green Bay.
"I was completely shocked that this kind of thing could happen,” said Skarvan.
With her knowledge of diving, she's confident the rest of the boys will be rescued.
"There are two divers per child. We have a lead diver going through the cave system with very complicated rope area, so they know where they are going in this area. And they have a safety diver behind them to make sure the child is going to be OK,” said Skarvan.
Mike Sobush volunteers at the Maribel New Hope Cave in Cooperstown. He says they've never had a situation like the one in Thailand. He also says anything can happen, especially in bad weather.
"It can catastrophically flood in a short amount of time, which the cave there in Thailand did,” said Sobush.
In the mean time, people in Northeast Wisconsin have this message.
"Hang in there. Pray,” said Doreen Martin.