

Area Residents Honored for restoration efforts a


Brown County leaders honored several area residents and their families for helping restore Cat Island and build Renard Island, "You can see that the work and effort of the Port of Green Bay is of importance to the community and more importantly. it's important to our long term success as a community" said Brown County Executive Troy Streckenbach.


  • *Mike McDonald: McDonald Memorial Causeway. This is the causeway leading from the shore of the Bay to Renard Island. It is being named in memory of Mike McDonald, whose extended family have provided an easement to access the causeway and Renard Island and whose father, Chester, served on the Harbor Commission for 14 years.
  • *Clarence Renard: Renard Island. This island was named in honor of Clarence Renard who served on the Harbor Commission from 1958 to 1980 and was president of the Commission immediately following the opening of the St. Lawrence Seaway which developed an international market for Green Bay
  •  Neil McKloskey: McKloskey Island. The island was named for Neil McKloskey who served on the Harbor Commission from 1989 until 2014. He was President of the Commission when the Port developed solutions to its dredge disposal needs with the construction and operation of Bay Dredge Material Rehandling Facility and the Cat Island Restoration Project, along with the closing and environmental capping of Renard Island.