

Area businesses prepare for a busy Packers NFC Championship game day


Area businesses are preparing for a busy Sunday as the Packers take on the Falcons in the NFC Championship game in Atlanta.

Stadium View Bar and Grille in Ashwaubenon is opening an extra room to accommodate the 1,400 fans they're expecting to pack their business.

"If you're going to get here a half hour before the game starts, you're going to have a lot of company," said Owner Jerry Watson.

The Jersey Store in Ashwaubenon is also preparing for big crowds.

"If the Packers win, I mean when they win, we'll be getting Packers versus either Steelers or Patriots pennants, pins, and hats for that too and some shirts, and then we'll also be getting in jerseys with the Super Bowl patch on them," said Manager Joey Larson.

It's apparel that Packers fans in Northeast Wisconsin haven't seen in awhile, but fans remain confident that they'll be wearing the gear soon.