Oshkosh Police arrested a 40-year-old Appleton man after he sent inappropriate pictures to an Oshkosh Police Officer who was posing as a 14-year-old female on a social networking website and arranging a meeting in Oshkosh.
Police say the investigation started when an Oshkosh Police Officer posed as a 14-year-old girl on a social networking site. The 40-year-old man started sending messages to the officer and during the conversation the 40-year-old man sent nude photos of himself over his cell phone. The man was arrested after her arrived to meet with the girl he thought had been messaging with.
During the investigation, police discovered the man had sexual contact with a 16-year-old female from Menasha and had also sent nude photos of himself to another teen in Oshkosh.
The man was taken to jail for exposing a child to harmful materials, cause a child to view sexual activity, use a computer to facilitate a child sex crime and soliciting a child for prostitution. The Winnebago District Attorney's Office is reviewing the incident.
The Oshkosh Police Department is reminding parents that while the internet is useful in many instances it has dangers. Parents should monitor their child's use of all internet sites. Some of the more popular social media websites are "Whisper", "KIK", "Facebook" and "Snapchat".
They are also reminding teens that if they receive sexual content via social media or other means, they should alert their parents, guardians or a responsible adult that can contact the police to conduct an investigation.