

NBC 26 Weather Forecast - FRIGID Chills into Tuesday


Cold weather this week!!! January still currently 4th warmest on record......but the ranking is dropping!!

WIND CHILL ADVISORY into Tuesday AM Wind chills in the -10s & -20s

Normal high starts going up on Tuesday as we head towards spring!!
Tuesday: Highs only only around 10 degrees. Lots of Sunshine
Wednesday: Lots of Sunshine & warmer. Lower 20s.
Thursday: Sun & clouds. Flurry possible. Lower 20s. We also find out from Jimmy the Groundhog if we get 6 more weeks of winter or not.
Friday: Sunny & FRIGID. Highs in the single digits. Wind chills well below zero once again!!

This weekend: Warming up with lots of clouds & the chance of some snow. Next week: 30s return & perhaps a few 40s.