

Here comes something we haven't see since last summer


After a warm & sunny Sunday, rain & storms returned to the area today.
The thunderstorms produced torrential downpours with rainfall rates reaching 3.5"/hour.
Additional storms will lift north & east of the area overnight thanks to a warm front moving in from the south.
As the warm front lifts to the north on Tuesday we can expect warm, breezy & humid conditions to overspread N.E.W..
Highs will be in the 80s but with dew points in the 70s it will feel quite sticky.
A cold front tomorrow night will kick off a few more storms late in the day. Some "could" be strong.
Cooler weather returns by the end of the week.

Tuesday: Sun & clouds. Warm & breezy. A few more storms, especially late.
Wednesday: AM shower/storms. PM sun & clouds.
Thursday: Sun & clouds.
Friday: Sun & clouds

This weekend: Sun & clouds with a chance for a storm on Sunday.

After slightly above normal temps this upcoming weekend, long range forecasts calls for a cool stretch of weahter to take us throught the middle