It's the most fan friendly, highly anticipated, football related softball game held in Northeast Wisconsin each and every year. With no Jordy Nelson to host it, the Green and Gold Charity Softball Game had to find a new face for the event.
Clay Matthews and Davante Adams will serve as the team captains this year.
Nelson is unable to attend the game, but passed along his best wishes for this years event in a statement released by the Wisconsin Timber Rattlers.
“I’ve really enjoyed hosting the softball game the last four years and I’m glad to see it’s in good hands with Clay and Davante as co-captains,” Nelson said. “I also appreciate that the game will continue to support Young Life as it has in the past. Enjoy the game, Packers fans. I know it will be entertaining as always!”
There will also be a format change this year, Matthews and Adams will draft their teams from the available Packers roster as opposed to the previous defense vs. offense set up.
The game is scheduled for Saturday, June 2 at Fox Cities Stadium.