It's the 2018 Leibham Olympics at their Sheboygan home.
"There's about seventy of us in the Leibham family,” said Holly Leibham.
While athletes are competing overseas in the Winter Olympics, they're having their own competition at the home of grandma and grandpa Leibham.
"It's pretty nice to have a group like that together to share a lot of things we love to do,” said Ken Leibham.
"We had the London Olympics, the Sochi Olympics, the Rio Olympics, so it's become an annual tradition,” said Nate Leibham.
It’s as real as it gets. They have hockey, snowboarding and curling. Someone even lights the torch.
Parents say competition does get a little heated.
"They do like to win, but that's what's great about our time together. It's that they learn their sportsman ship and have fun, and learn to be part of it, “said Heather Leibham.
After the competition, the Leibhams are on the same team and rooting for each other.