On Tuesday afternoon, Kiel police received information regarding a possible threat of a school shooting allegedly planned to occur on Friday, March 23 at Kiel High School.
Kiel immediately assigned multiple officers to follow up. Investigators interviewed numerous people who were rumored to have direct knowledge of the alleged threat to students and staff.
The investigation remains ongoing but police have found no evidence to validate any of the rumors about threats to commit any acts of violence at Kiel High School or anywhere else. None of the individuals interviewed were able to provide credible information to support the claim of a threat made.
The individuals interviewed spoke only of “rumors” that they had heard about a possible shooting. Throughout this investigation police have been in regular contact with school staff. The school resource officer and patrol officers routinely conduct repetitive patrols at all schools in Kiel.
As a precautionary measure and to err on the side of safety, police plan to provide additional law enforcement officers at Kiel High School Friday. Police ask anyone who has specific information about the alleged threat to contact the police department.