

Outdoor enthusiasts support CWD bounties program

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MADISON, Wis. (AP) — A majority of outdoor enthusiasts who took a Conservation Congress survey say they support offering bounties again for deer infected with chronic wasting disease.

The congress, a citizen group that advises state wildlife officials on policy, asked attendees at its annual statewide spring meetings April 8 if they support the idea. The congress also posed the question in an online survey.

A tally the Department of Natural Resources released Wednesday shows 5,033 people support the idea while 2,584 oppose it.

The proposal came from retired DNR biologist Mike Foy. He wants to pay hunters and landowners between $750 and $1,250 per deer. Business that open sampling drop-off sites would get $300.

The DNR ran a similar program from 2003 through 2005, although payouts were smaller than in Foy's proposal.