BELLEVUE (NBC26) - The Village of Bellevue is un"shoveling" a program that many people may not know about.
"It's kind of like the angel on the shoulder there looking to help you out and go the extra mile,” said Andrew Vissers.
They're looking for snow angels. That’s a person who will volunteer to help their neighbors out by shoveling or snowblowing their driveways or sidewalks.
"Basically looking for volunteers to assist with individuals that were elderly or disabled or ill,” Vissers added.
Vissers is the community outreach director for the village. He said the program was uncovered in December after a phone call from someone looking for help. Since the Village of Bellevue hadn't been updated in awhile, Vissers said nobody knew this program existed. So now, they're looking to get the word out.
"We just actually posted a blog on Monday looking for an individual to assist someone in the Ontario/Warm Springs area."
While there may not be a lot of shoveling to do right now, you never know what the rest of winter is going to do. Vissers adding, there's plenty of time for you to earn your "snow" wings.
"Ultimately people may not have the financial resources to give to a charity, but they can volunteer their time and efforts. If it's just one time or throughout the season, ultimately even one time is a blessing."
If you're interested in becoming a snow angel or if you need a snow angel to come to your door, click hereor visit the Village of Bellevue's volunteer sectiononline.