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District Attorney: Fatal Manitowoc police shooting justified

Posted at 3:43 PM, Jan 04, 2019

MANITOWOC, Wis. — The Manitowoc County District Attorney says the use of force by a Manitowoc police officer that resulted in the death of Bruce A. Smith, which took place on September 16, 2018 in the city of Manitowoc, was justified.

Around 4:43 p.m. on September 16th, Manitowoc Fire and Police responded to a fire alarm call at an apartment complex located at 1551 South 35th Street in Manitowoc. A firefighter reported that there was a "suspicious looking" person in the area. According to a statement from the Manitowoc D.A., the firefighter described the person as "sweating profusely" and was acting "strangely" with an "altered state".

The D.A. says Officer Fielder Clark responded and searched for the person. He eventually found a man identified as Bruce Smith. The D.A.'s statement says after Smith apparently reached for something over a gate, he then lunged at Officer Clark with a lighter lit out in front of him. Officer Clark then used a Taser to stop Smith.

The D.A. says the Taser did not affect Smith and Clark called for backup. The D.A. says Smith came at Clark a second time and Clark used the Taser again, but it didn't have an effect. The D.A. says Smith then ran away and Clark chased after him. The D.A.'s statement says Smith then stopped, turn around and came at Officer Clark with what he believed was a knife. After ordering Smith to stop, Clark fired his gun at Smith. The D.A. says Officer Clark kept shooting at Smith because he thought his shots may have been ineffective, and he was apparently worried about the safety of others in the area.

Smith collapsed in the back of the apartment complex. Officer Clark found an object at Smith's side that turned out to be a metal paint scraper. Officer Clark called for medical assistance. Bruce Smith was pronounced dead at the scene. An autopsy lists the cause of death as gunshot wounds to the chest and abdomen. The D.A.'s statement also says that Smith had methamphetamine and amphetamine in his blood stream.

The District Attorney says Officer Clark was justified in using deadly force under Wisconsin law.

The Manitowoc Police Department released a video statement regarding the shooting: