GREEN BAY -- It's been a historic year for precipitation in Green Bay. For people who work outside, the rainfall could make it even harder for themt o do their job.
"Just stop raining please." said Bob Selissen, a crossing guard at Wilder Elementary.
Rain or shine, Selissen has been out helping students get across the street safely. He wears his rain coat and vest and embraces the elements to do his job.
"It's Green Bay," Selissen said. "These things happen."
He has done this job for 30 years. In the frigid cold days and the humid hot days, he is there doing his job. However, he has never seen rainfall like this.
"It's usually sunny in September," Selissen said. "Now it's wet and It's getting bad.
He says he will continue to do his job, because he cares about what he does when it comes to helping students.