

Wisconsin meets two 'gating criteria' to re-open state, hospital data to be released Friday

Posted at 9:19 PM, May 05, 2020
and last updated 2020-05-06 10:11:37-04

WISCONSIN -- There is more data from the Department of Health Services on the 'gating criteria' required to start re-opening the state.

As of Tuesday, the state is now meeting two of six requirements under the governors plan to gradually reopen.

The state health department unveiled a new online tracker today showing Wisconsin hitting targets in a downward trend for people reporting flu like illnesses and for a number of coronavirus cases among healthcare workers.

That means we are green in two categories according to the state 'gating criteria'. We need to be green in all six.

"What the 'gating criteria' are there to do it's to help us understand when it is safe for us to begin to interact more frequently with each other," explains Julie Willems Van Dijk, DHS Deputy Secretary. "Because when they are green it will mean we have reached a point where the virus is not spreading as much as it is now."

According to the DHS website, hospital data will be available on Friday.

CLICK HERE to read the Badger Bounce Back plan on re-opening Wisconsin.