There were a high amount of ballots cast, and there was a major liberal win for Wisconsin's Supreme Court.
Together, political experts see the spring election as signs of a motivated Democratic base.
"That does seem to indicate that there is some enthusiasm there, and if you kind of control that enthusiasm advantage, that can go a long way to helping you," UW-Green Bay professor of political science David Helpap said.
Helpap said the Democrats see an opportunity come November.
last night, Governor Scott Walker tweeted that the results show the state is at risk of a "Blue Wave." But walker said the results last night reflect national politics and not the state's.
"I think instead of the anger and the hatred you've seen from a lot of the rhetoric on one side of the equation, you've just got to counter that with optimism and organization," Walker said.
Helpap said that yesterday's results could quickly ramp up the race for Governor. He said it's too early to say if Tuesday's turnout will come through in November, but there are hopeful signs for Democrats.
"If you have a motivated base, that can go a long way toward securing victory on election day, especially if you can motivate people that don't generally turn out," Helpap said.